Faith of Jesus Christ



在创世记155-6节中,根据希伯来原文,神应许亚伯兰那唯一会信耶和华并且顺服以至于死的要成为'你的后裔'.神要以他(你的后裔)的信实为他(你的后裔)的义所以15章第6节的"他信耶和华..."的他是耶稣(你的后裔--就是指着一个人,就是基督[加拉太书3:16])(请注意:原文中"你的后裔"是单数名词 thy seed 而非复数名词 thy seeds.故此神才在加拉太书3:16再一次提醒我们"那一个后裔"不是"众后裔".)

Gen 15:-6于是领他走到外边你向天观看数算众星能数得过来么又对他说你的后裔将要如此并且他要信耶和华他也要以此为他的义1

1 Gen 15:5-6又对他说... .hq*d`x= w{L h*b#v=j=Y~w~ hw`hyB^ /m!a$h#w+ .;u#r+z~ hy\h=y] hK) w{l rm#aY{w~ Heb.: and he said unto him: So shall be thy seed, who believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him (thy seed) for righteousness. (/m!a$h#w+ believed is the perfect with waw consecutive which shall be attached to what precedes in close relation, that is, ;u#r+z~ thy seed.)

 Gal 3:16所应许的原是向亚伯拉罕和他子孙[后裔]说的 神并不是说众子孙[后裔]指着许多人乃是说你那一个子孙[后裔]指着一个人就是基督

Published on 27 Jan 2013 at 04:37AM under .

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