Faith of Jesus Christ


Hosea 3:1-5 Then said the LORD unto me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of [her] friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of wine. So I bought her to me for fifteen [pieces] of silver, and [for] an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt not be for [another] man: so [will] I also [be] for thee. For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and [without] teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days.


Hosea 3 is a very short chapter, but it displayed God's entire salvation plan: children of Israel represent God's elects. Although they are like adulteress (Israel was the LORD's wife, but “who look for other gods”, and became other gods' wife), according to the Law (Deu 22:23-24), “ ye shall stone them with stones that they die”, the LORD still loves them: therefore the LORD paid by himself (fifteen [pieces] of silver, and [for] an homer of barley, and an half homer of barley: total cost of thirty pieces of silver (Mat 26:15 Jesus was sold for thirty pieces of silver)) and “I (the LORD) bought (redeemed) her to me (himself)”. Therefore that Jesus was sold, crucified and raised on the third day was a payment to buy/redeem/engage us for Himself, before He went up to heaven, He promised to come again to marry us as a bride (Rev 21:2). Thus before He comes again, we the fiancee shall abide for Him many days and “ shalt not play the harlot, and shalt not be for [another] man (shalt not worship other god)”! Wonderfully He Himself also promised us that “so [will] I also [be] for thee.”: the LORD will abide for us as well? What does this mean? “Then verily the first [covenant] had also ordinances of divine service, and a worldly sanctuary.” (Heb 9:1) But in the new convenant, this divine service was fulfilled once Jesus raised on the third day (fully paid for). (Heb 9:10 [Which stood] only in meats and drinks, and divers washings, and carnal ordinances, imposed [on them] until the time of reformation.), from then on the LORD Jesus He Himself will not receive gift (divine service/worship) from men until He comes again. (Mat 26:29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.) So during these “many days” while we are waiting for Him as His fiancee, we shall keep His words: “without a king”: lest we might worship a king, “and without a prince”: lest we might listen to a prince, “and without a sacrifice”: lest we might perform worship service again, “and without an image”: lest we might worship idols, “and without an ephod”: no priest lest we might follow to perform woship service again, “and [without] teraphim”: lest we might worship our own god(s). He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Afterward (when Jesus returns) shall the children of Israel (we) return, and seek the LORD their God, and David (Jesus) their king; and shall fear the LORD and his goodness in the latter days (marry Him). Amen.

Published on 28 Sep 2013 at 10:21PM under .


何西阿书3:1-5: 耶和华对我说、你再去爱一个淫妇、就是他情人所爱的、好像以色列人、虽然偏向别神、喜爱葡萄饼、耶和华还是爱他们。我便用银子十五舍客勒、大麦一贺梅珥半、买他归我。我对他说、你当多日为我独居、不可行淫、不可归别人为妻、我向你也必这样。以色列人也必多日独居、无君王、无首领、无祭祀、无柱像、无以弗得、无家中的神像。后来以色列人必归回、〔或作回心转意〕寻求他们的 神耶和华、和他们的王大卫.在末后的日子、必以敬畏的心归向耶和华、领受他的恩惠
何西阿书第三章虽短,却把神的救赎计划完整地勾画出来:色列人预表神所拣选所要拯救的子民.虽然在神眼里他们就像一个淫妇(原来色列人是耶和华的妻子,但却偏向别神,成了别神的妻子),这罪照着律法本该用石头打死(申22:23-24), 但耶和华还是爱他们: 便用自己(银子十五舍客勒、大麦一贺梅珥半,共值三十块钱(太26:15耶稣被卖的银价))下聘‘买(赎)他归我’.因此耶稣被卖钉死后三天复活,就是下聘赎我们归他自己,升天前答应我们还要再来‘娶’我们(启21:2).在这段等候他再来的日子里,我们这未婚妻当多日为他独居,不可行淫(拜别神)!奇妙的是耶稣也答应‘我向你也必这样’:耶和华也独居. 这是什么意思呢? 原来前约有礼拜的条例(来9:1),但到了新约这礼拜的条例就被完成了(来9:10命定到振兴的时候为止),从此耶和华就是耶稣他自己不再受人间的供奉(礼拜)一直到他再来的日子.所以我们在这段等候他再来独居的日子里就当守着他的话: ‘无君王’:免得我们拜君王、‘无首领’:免得我们听首领的话、‘无祭祀’:免得我们作礼拜!、‘无柱像’:免得我们拜偶像、‘无以弗得’:不立祭司,免得我们作礼拜! ‘无家中的神像’:免得我们拜自己立的偶像.圣灵向众教会所说的话、凡有耳的、就应当听!后来(耶稣再来)以色列人(我们)必归回、〔或作回心转意〕寻求他们的 神耶和华、和他们的王大卫(耶稣).在末后的日子、必以敬畏的心归向耶和华、领受他的恩惠(与耶稣完婚)。阿们.

Published on 14 Sep 2013 at 11:01PM under .


何西阿書3:1-5: 耶和華對我說你再去愛一個淫婦就是他情人所愛的好像以色列人雖然偏向別神喜愛葡萄餅耶和華還是愛他們我便用銀子十五舍客勒大麥一賀梅珥半買他歸我我對他說你當多日為我獨居不可行淫不可歸別人為妻我向你也必這樣以色列人也必多日獨居無君王無首領無祭祀無柱像無以弗得無家中的神像後來以色列人必歸回〔或作回心轉意〕尋求他們的 神耶和華和他們的王大衛在末後的日子必以敬畏的心歸向耶和華領受他的恩惠


何西阿書第三章雖短,卻把神的救贖計畫完整地勾畫出來:色列人預表神所揀選所要拯救的子民.雖然在神眼裡他們就像一個淫婦(原來色列人是耶和華的妻子,但卻偏向別神,成了別神的妻子),這罪照著律法本該用石頭打死(22:23-24), 但耶和華還是愛他們: 便用自己(銀子十五舍客勒大麥一賀梅珥半,共值三十塊錢(26:15耶穌被賣的銀價))下聘『買()他歸我』.因此耶穌被賣釘死後三天復活,就是下聘贖我們歸他自己,升天前答應我們還要再來『娶』我們(21:2).在這段等候他再來的日子裡,我們這未婚妻當多日為他獨居,不可行淫(拜別神)!奇妙的是耶穌也答應『我向你也必這樣』:耶和華也獨居. 這是什麼意思呢? 原來前約有禮拜的條例(9:1),但到了新約這禮拜的條例就被完成了(9:10命定到振興的時候為止),從此耶和華就是耶穌他自己不再受人間的供奉(禮拜)一直到他再來的日子.所以我們在這段等候他再來獨居的日子裡就當守著他的話: 『無君王』:免得我們拜君王『無首領』:免得我們聽首領的話『無祭祀』:免得我們作禮拜!『無柱像』:免得我們拜偶像『無以弗得』:不立祭司,免得我們作禮拜! 『無家中的神像』:免得我們拜自己立的偶像.靈向眾教會所說的話凡有耳的就應當聽!後來(耶穌再來)以色列人(我們)必歸回〔或作回心轉意〕尋求他們的 神耶和華和他們的王大衛(耶穌)在末後的日子必以敬畏的心歸向耶和華領受他的恩惠(與耶穌完婚)阿們.

Published on 14 Sep 2013 at 10:35PM under .


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